Naked to the clothed eye


Photographer: Mazar Attia
IG: khartoumyst

"Naked to the Clothed Eye" is a series of semi-nude portraits that seek to strip away the inherited scripts women are often expected to perform, revealing a deeper, more fluid essence of femininity.

The project moves beyond the layers of fabric and societal pretense to explore how identity emerges when freed from the confines of expectation.

Project text:-

" "Naked to the Clothes Eye"

A fundamental re-evaluation of the act of seeing.

Does the removal of clothing truly reveal, or does it merely shift the focus of the gaze, replacing one set of preconceived notions with another?

The project challenges us to consider the power dynamics inherent in the photographic process itself, Is the photographer empowering the subject, or perpetuating the age-old objectification of the female form?

And what is the viewer's role in this exchange?

Are they engaging with the subject as a complex individual, or are their own desires and biases shaping their interpretation of the image?

The very act of looking becomes a site of negotiation, a space where power is both asserted and challenged.

Beyond the individual image, the series compels us to examine the broader cultural narratives that have shaped our understanding of the female body and femininity.

How have historical and societal expectations, with their inherent burdens and silences, influenced our perception of women, both clothed and unclothed?

Can a photograph ever truly liberate the subject from these deeply ingrained cultural constructs, or does the act of representation inevitably risk becoming a new form of confinement?

The ultimate question, therefore, transcends the purely visual.

Can we, as viewers, move beyond our own limited perspectives and allow the subject to exist not as a reflection of our desires, but as a complex, multifaceted human being, fully present in her own right?"


Ivy at Gods Own Junkyard


Mystery night