SUBMIT VIA US FORM Before starting please read our full submission guidelines to know what we ask for. You can find the full submission guidelines HERE. Your Name * First Name Last Name Your Email * Your Instagram Name * Genre you are submitting to Please select the genre of Nude and Boudoir you are submitting to - you can find all of our genres by heading to our submissions page in the navigation bar. Swanky Boudoir Magazine Swanky Nude and Boudoir Monochrome Magazine Swanky Nude and Boudoir Erotica & Fetish Magazine Swanky Nude and Boudoir Swimwear Magazine Swanky Nude and Boudoir Artistic Nude Magazine Swanky Nude and Boudoir Pin Up Magazine Photoshoot / Editorial Title * Photographer Name * If you are the photographer, please re-enter your details as these will be used for your published credits. First Name Last Name Photographer's Instagram * Model's name * If there is more than one model please list them all Model instagram * If more than one model please list each Instagram handles Hair and Makeup Artist Name * If none, just write N/A Hair and Makeup Artist Instagram * If none, just write N/A Stylist Name * If none, just write N/A Stylist Instagram * If none, just write N/A Creative Director / Producer / Production Name * If none, just write N/A Creative Director / Producer / Production Instagram * If none, just write NA Fashion Brand / Designer Name * If none, just write NA. If more than one please list them all Fashion Brand / Designer Instagram * If none, just write NA Model Agency Name * If none, just write NA Model Agency Instagram * If none, just write NA PR Agency Name * If none, just write NA PR Agency Instagram * If none, just write NA Any other credits to add - Please include names and instagram handles * If none, just write NA IMAGE REQUIREMENTS * IMAGE REQUIREMENTS *3-12 images (Depending on submission type)* *JPG format* *sRGB Color profile/*images need to be up to 8MB per image. No less the 4MB *Portrait: 8.5 × 11 in, 300 dpi (2550 × 3300 px)* *Landscape: 17 × 11 in, 300 dpi (5100 × 3300 px)* *Include wardrobe and team credits* I have understood the above image requirements SUBMISSION GUIDELINES * Head to the top of this page to read the full submission guidelines I have read the submission guidelines, and I agree to the terms and conditions Select type of submission * Includes upgraded submissions. You will recieve a payment link to upgrade your submission after you click submit via us. Please be mindful of conversion rates. You will not need to pay now. Free Standard Submission (review within 7 days) - £0/$0 Priority 12hr review - £11.99/$14.99 Inside cover - £19.99/$24.99 Back cover only - £63.99/$79.99 Inside exclusive interview - £75.99/$94.99 Front cover only - £79/$99 Back cover + Interview + Social Posts (Includes a hard copy and digital copy of the issue featured in) - £158.99/$199.99 Front cover + Interview + Social Posts (Includes a hard copy and digital copy of the issue featured in) - £316/$399.99 Front cover + Back cover + Interview + Social Posts (Includes a hard copy and digital copy of the issue featured in) - £395.99/$499.99 HOW TO UPLOAD PHOTOS * Go to , click Agree, click 3 dots (…) next to the button (Transfer), choose (Get transfer link), click + to upload files, click (Get a link), click (Copy link), then paste the link to this submission form below. Or share a link from your iCloud, Dropbox, etc. All of these platforms are free to use to send us a link. I understand I must provide a link via WeTransfer or Icloud, Dropbox, Google Drive etc Photo Download Link (won't expire in 7 days) * Ensure your link doesn't expire within 7 days - failure to check this could result in your submission being removed. Thank you!